[Business content]

・Development of in-house services

・Responding to inquiries from companies that have introduced their own services

・Infrastructure construction for own services

・Development of operation tools
・Load countermeasures and server optimization

[Business Details]

・Development of in-house services. You will be responsible for the development of collaboration between the AIGIA system, AIGIA My Page, and external systems that will occur in the future.

・ Corresponding to corporate customers. You will be responsible for responding to inquiries when problems occur, visiting corporate customers and connecting remotely, investigating and investigating the cause of problems, and responding to corrections.

・Infrastructure construction of own service. You will build the infrastructure for your own service.

[Employment status]

contract employee

Full-time employee (no fixed period)

[Working hours]


Actual working time 8 hours 00 minutes

About 20 hours of overtime/month

Saturdays and Sundays are available to respond unexpectedly when dealing with defects

[Work location]



Annual income 4 million yen - 8 million yen

Bonus ・Financial bonus system


Health Insurance Welfare Pension Industrial Accident Employment Insurance

Commuting expenses (partial)

[holiday leave]

2 days off per week

[test period]

6 months

[Required experience]


3+ years of experience as a web engineer

Experience in React/TypeScript development

Experienced in frontend development

Experienced in server-side development

Infrastructure construction experience using Iaas such as AWS

・Welcome conditions

Confident in communication skills

Experience in work involving identification of the cause of defects and determination of correction methods

Those who can voluntarily think about system issues

Those who have experience implementing APIs

Those who can actively learn new technologies

Those who have experience building a web service from scratch by themselves

who like golf

Please click here to apply.